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Be Aware Of Fake Eclipse Glasses Ahead Of April 8th Solar Eclipse

Counterfeit Solar Eclipse Glasses Pose Health Risks

Be Aware of Fake Eclipse Glasses Ahead of April 8th Solar Eclipse

Key Points:

  • The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has warned about fake solar eclipse glasses.
  • Counterfeit glasses can damage eyes and pose a safety hazard.
  • Amazon is pulling eclipse glasses listings and issuing refunds for potentially unsafe products.

Ahead of the much-anticipated solar eclipse on April 8th, the AAS has issued a warning to the public about counterfeit solar eclipse glasses. These glasses, which are designed to protect eyes from the harmful rays emitted during the eclipse, are being sold online and at some retail stores.

However, the AAS has found that some of these glasses do not meet safety standards and may actually cause eye damage. The counterfeit glasses may not block out enough of the sun's harmful rays, which can lead to serious eye injuries such as retinal burns.

In response to the AAS's warning, Amazon has removed several eclipse glasses listings from its website. The company is also issuing refunds to customers who purchased glasses from the affected listings.

If you are planning to view the solar eclipse on April 8th, it is important to take precautions to protect your eyes. Only use solar eclipse glasses that have been certified by a reputable organization, such as the AAS or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
