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Sarria Nach Santiago De Compostela

How to Walk the Camino de Santiago from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela

An Overview of the Journey

The Camino de Santiago, also known as the Way of Saint James, is a pilgrimage route that leads to the tomb of Saint James the Great in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The most popular route is the French Way, which starts in the town of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France and continues for over 700 kilometers to Santiago. However, many pilgrims choose to start their journey in the town of Sarria, which is located about 116 kilometers from Santiago.

The Walk from Sarria to Santiago

The walk from Sarria to Santiago takes an average of 5-7 days to complete. The route is well-marked and there are plenty of places to stay and eat along the way. The terrain is mostly flat, but there are a few hills to climb. The scenery is beautiful, with rolling green hills, vineyards, and forests.

The walk is a challenging but rewarding experience. It is a great way to get in shape, see the countryside, and meet other pilgrims from all over the world.

Tips for Walking the Camino

Here are a few tips for walking the Camino from Sarria to Santiago:

  • Start training early. The more you train, the easier the walk will be.
  • Pack light. You will be carrying your backpack for several hours each day, so it is important to pack only the essentials.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. You will be walking on a variety of surfaces, so it is important to wear shoes that support your feet.
  • Bring a water bottle and snacks. You will need to stay hydrated and energized throughout the day.
  • Be prepared for the weather. The weather in Spain can be unpredictable, so it is important to be prepared for rain, sun, and wind.
  • Take your time and enjoy the journey. The Camino is not a race, so take your time and enjoy the scenery and the experience.

Learn more about the Camino de Santiago from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela.

Santiago Ways

